Understanding Facebook And Paid Media Traffic Attribution

Understanding Facebook And Paid Media Traffic Attribution

Paid traffic attribution is something that has media buyers and business owners talking. How do you navigate tracking and attribution between Facebook, Google, Email Service Providers and other platforms? How does Facebook attribution work? Why the discrepancies? These are very common questions we hear all the time. So let’s get to it.

4 Things You Should Know About Email Marketing

4 Things You Should Know About Email Marketing

How to navigate the split between Mailchimp and Shopify, what to know when getting started with Email, how to use social proof in your campaigns and the biggest misconception in Email Marketing.

A million strategies out there, which one is right for your e-commerce?

A million strategies out there, which one is right for your e-commerce?

There are a million strategies out there. Which one is right for you? Chances are…there are bottlenecks in your customer’s journey that can actually be solved. And there are missed opportunities in your business - literally money left on the table - that are preventing you from scaling and thriving. And yes, you can have your cake and eat it too, with a custom road map for your e-commerce.

The Replicable E-commerce Formula: Learning From Modern Beauty Brands

The Replicable E-commerce Formula: Learning From Modern Beauty Brands

What can e-commerce businesses learn from modern beauty brands? The way a product is going to be discovered, enjoyed, shared, talked about and purchased is almost more important than the product itself. It’s that carefully curated end-to-end experience that triggers a calculated ripple effect.

Up Your Instagram Game: The New Algorithm Explained

Up Your Instagram Game: The New Algorithm Explained

Instagram has recently announced the details of its updated algorithm. These long-awaited changes are really worth paying attention to if you care how your brand performs online. How the updated algorithm works, new hashtag strategies and a few Insta-confirmed answers.